I just got a new computer not too long ago, so I'll be on Newgrounds more often than I have been in the past year. However, I won't be nearly as active as I used to be because I've been busy with work/school and shitting.
I just want to thank everybody for wishing me luck and showing support while I've been inactive from Newgrounds. I really appreciate it. I didn't think anyone would care, I just posted updates so people wouldn't think I'm dead.
I'll be uploading music again, of coarse. But being that I'm busy with shit (as stated earlier), plus I'm trying to put more time into each song, I won't be uploading 50 tracks a day anymore like the good'ol days.
What else... Uhhhmmmmm....
I also plan on getting a name change, because I think dlxrevolution is lame tbh. No idea what I'm going to change it to though. I had a bunch of ideas but they were either taken, or I just decided they suck. I want to use something 1oo% original. If anyone has any ideas for a new NG Alias, post some down in the comments.
That is all...
Here's another baby (3 post streak WOOT!)
Welcome back ^^
Ayyee, thanks buddy.